SEEK your Mind Ep 2: Don't fake it till you make it

SEEK content teamupdated on 26 September, 2022

Jane has spent 30 years in an industry she loves. But it’s vaporised almost overnight and while she’s a practical person, the challenge of thriving through change in a real one. Along with host Sabina Read and executive presence specialist Melissa Lewis of The Ascension Group, Jane works through what it looks like to reframe change as something that might happen for us, not just to us; how to apply your transferable skills outside the industry you know; and the knack of building confidence when you haven’t been to a formal interview in decades.

Jane’s letter to SEEK

"Dear SEEK... I’ve been job hunting since March during the first lockdown. I’ve been doing bits and pieces and small projects, and I’ve almost finished a course on user experience design, trying to keep busy. But all this rejection is really demotivating me, and I find it hard to do all the things I know I should, like call people for feedback on applications. I just want to escape the feelings of not being good enough! And why do I feel lazy and guilty when I watch everyone around me going to work? I know it’s not rational, but how do I stop comparing myself to everyone else who has a job! Yours, Escaping my feelings."

Listen to Ep 2: Don’t fake it till you make it 

More from this category: Applying for jobs

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