How to work with a recruiter to find the right fit

How to work with a recruiter to find the right fit
SEEK content teamupdated on 09 December, 2019

Recruiters know companies. They know their size, their structure, the kind of staff they employ, and the kind of staff they’re constantly striving to recruit. Therefore, it’s likely they’ll know how you – the candidate – will fit in.

When working with a recruiter to find a new role, think about your needs, wants and values, and browse SEEK company reviews to get an idea of what you’re looking for in a company, and which companies perform best in certain areas. Here are some important things to consider and discuss with your recruiter, to ensure the fit is just right.

Recruiters know companies. They know their size, their structure, the kind of staff they employ, and the kind of staff they're constantly striving to recruit.
  • Build your career. If career development and progression are important to you, talk to your recruiter about finding a role with a company that offers on-the-job training and promotes from within. They’ll have inside insight into which organisations make professional development for staff a priority, and will be able to give you an idea of how your career may progress with a specific company.

    Being guided by great management is also important if you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder, so talk to your recruiter about which companies offer strong leadership. This can help ensure you’ll learn from the best, and be working with a secure and on-task team.
  • Find work-life balance. Is finding the right balance between work and play at the top of your priority list? Whether you’re looking for flexible hours around family commitments, the chance to work remotely, opportunities to travel, or employment close to home so you can reduce your daily commute, discuss your wants and needs with your recruiter so they can help you find the right fit. Their long-standing relationship with prospective employers means they can recommend companies that offer flexibility and understand the value of work-life balance for employees.
  • Be part of a great working environment. For many candidates, joining a happy and productive team is crucial to their longevity in a role. For others, their focus is on joining a workplace that encourages innovation. Recruiters know which organisations have the best staff retention rates, organise team outings and activities, or have a chill zone complete with foosball table in their offices.

    If one of your core values is to be happy at work or to channel your creativity, your recruiter can recommend companies who offer a great working environment with likeminded people.
  • Secure the right financial package. While you might have other wants on your list, you may be at a point in your life where your top priority is securing the best salary. Perhaps you’re saving for your first home, or you’ve just started a family – or maybe you’re simply looking for a similar role with a greater financial payoff.

    Whatever your reasons, your recruiter will have the best understanding of which companies can best meet your salary expectations, or offer benefits and perks – such as a company car or travel allowance – to help you reach your financial goals.
  • Change industries. If you’re looking to change industries, your recruiter is best placed to help you make the move – particularly if you have little experience in the field you want to enter.

    Not only do they have knowledge of which organisations are open to hiring candidates with a different background – they can also help you find opportunities where your transferable skills may be applied to capitalise on your existing knowledge while making the transition.

Find out about a company before you begin with SEEK company reviews. They’re real reviews by real employees. 

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